Occupational Therapy

The PEWC Occupational Therapy Program

Led by our Occupational Therapist or a Level II OT Fieldwork student, OT class will follow a different theme each month. "Occupations" refer to what occupies your time; getting out of bed, cooking meals, eating, driving, sleeping. Anything you do throughout your day! 

OT helps PEWC members learn techniques and strategies for self care, travel, nutrition and hydration, home modification, community mobility, and so much more.

You can attend on a regular basis, or drop in depending on whether or not the topic of the week interests you.

“Our goal is not only to share resources, techniques, and fellowship between members, but also to provide students a place to learn more about working with people, and learn more about Parkinson's disease and related conditions.”

-Blake Spanjer, PEWC Occupational Therapist

Are you a local student interested in learning more about Parkinson’s Disease and the unique programs we offer at The PEWC?

We love working with students and welcome all backgrounds including, nursing, physical therapy, PA’s, and undergrad allied health focus.

Time spent in our facility is rewarding and beneficial. Reach out to us and get started on your journey!


  • We help you do the "occupations" you want and need to do every day. These include tasks such as, getting around your home or community, getting dressed, eating, cooking, doing hobbies, driving, using the bathroom, sleeping, managing medications and anything else you need to get done throughout the day.

  • We have full-time Occupational Therapists as well as student OT's from various local schools who are working in our program. Some students work part-time while others are at the gym 40 hours a week.

    Speech Therapy students help out with the hybrid class offered through Turning Point.  Speech students helping with this class focus on vocal projection, quality, and clarity.

    Social work students will be at The PEWC for 16 hours a week and can help you find and connect with resources in the community outside of The PEWC, plan for the future, or deal with various challenges. Social work and OT students work hand in hand to offer you a comprehensive plan.

  • Yes, we have student partners who help with a speech class that focuses on vocal projection, quality, and clarity. This hybrid class is offered through Turning Point.

  • We have student partners available who can help you find and connect with resources in the community outside of the PEWC, plan for the future, or deal with various challenges as they arise. We are here for you!

  • There are number of options for you! Please contact us directly so we can answer your questions.


Still have questions?

We’re happy to give you additional information. Drop us an email or call the gym.